Thursday, December 13, 2007

My Lil'Sister SARA has gone to HEAVEN

Sara has passed away to a peaceful place...

My lil' Sister E.T. has gone to heaven now a better place away form all the madness she was feeling. Drugs took her away from me, they are no good no matter how much fun you think you're having it all ends in the worst way. I will miss her forever and everyday. She had so many friends that adored her and family who loved her, Its just to bad those drugs made her numb to what kind of love she was really surrounded with. I know she didn't want this to happen to her it was out of her hands. I love my sister and I am sad.
Sara passed away 12-10-07 she was 25 years old. The funeral will be 12-24-07. Thank You, LISA BINGHAM

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Saturday, October 27, 2007

EGOs & Rockstars

To much EGO for me. Now I'm not saying who or when and where but damn it to hell I had another reality check last night of why I stopped dating musicians. Rockstars are they way they are I guess because they can be, or can they? These men really are like children looking for ALL the attention they can get. Funny yet good times, my ladies know what I'm talking about.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Escape from Malibu Fires...

In case any of you are concerned, I was trapped at the beach because of the fires. Smoke filled the air the roads closed including gas stations, markets...what's a girl to do. Well, the shit is over with now so I'm going shopping.


This is getting on my last nerve, I hate to text but now I am being targeted by criminals who want to play text tag to get my bank info. Watch out for these tricky fuckers they work fast but so do I that's why I told the bastards off and hopefully put some guilt feelings in them. If they get a hold of you its not true, so call your bank or whoever they are pretending to be to confirm this bull.

Hef's Halloween Party!

I sure hope I get to see some gore at this years Halloween Party full of bunnies. Listen to me I love sexy but "HELLO" can you please be creative bitch and gore up your costume. I think I speak for many when I say we are all tired of just plane sexy, how about sexy and bloody. Thank You for reading, I'll let you know how it goes...I know my bitches are doing it up right. Saturday Night Bloody Fever.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Kid Rock Stoled My Daddy's Identity!

Here is the KID.
Now here is my Dad.

Any Questions? I'll be hanging with Hank William JR and the KID at the end of this month for a very special event. I'll show him this pic to so I can prove to him he is not so original after all...We still Love the KID!

Monday, October 1, 2007


That's right you heard me Playboy Mansion (Hef's house) for their annual Halloween Party 2007.
I will be posting a flyer and other info. for the October 26th Halloween Party at the Playboy Mansion, Friday Night. Brought to you by Karma Foundation. Just Email me here and/or leave a comment and I will get back with you or contact my myspace, use this invitation CODE LB3396$$ so you can attend the party. See you their. Costume required. click this link Playboy Halloween Invite

"When Your Dog Cost More Than His Car, Girl Don't Date'em!

"If your dog cost more than his car, girl don't date'em," said my girlfriend, when she asked about the new guy I met and had over to my place. I told her about what happen, it all started when he drove up girl, HA-HA! I would like to think I do not care about material things but damn how does any dude expect to get full attention from me when my doggy is worth more than his ride. All this showed was what the future with him would have held. To bad I totally had a great one night stand with him.