Thursday, December 13, 2007

My Lil'Sister SARA has gone to HEAVEN

Sara has passed away to a peaceful place...

My lil' Sister E.T. has gone to heaven now a better place away form all the madness she was feeling. Drugs took her away from me, they are no good no matter how much fun you think you're having it all ends in the worst way. I will miss her forever and everyday. She had so many friends that adored her and family who loved her, Its just to bad those drugs made her numb to what kind of love she was really surrounded with. I know she didn't want this to happen to her it was out of her hands. I love my sister and I am sad.
Sara passed away 12-10-07 she was 25 years old. The funeral will be 12-24-07. Thank You, LISA BINGHAM

Thursday, December 6, 2007