I have tasted heaven it is in a little place near the ocean in Malibu called the Mutt Dog. MMMMmmmmmm a hot-hot dog with relish-mustard and a moist bun so water good in my mouth every bite leaves you wanting more....Mmmmmm-heaven. Pass on the good news friends.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
My G-Ma Rocks!
My grandma flew many miles to come visit me over the holidays and we are having a blast. Who knew little old ladies good hold their own like she does...I hope I can represent like my grandma does when I am a little old lady, which will be very cool when it does happen. I love getting older everything I have gone through has made me who I am today, and I would never change a thing even if I could. I love this life I am living and my advice to you is just remember to enjoy the ride folks. I am doing just fine.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Stop It-Go Away
I can't take it anymore. For the love of God stop with the ExtenZe Male Enhancement commercials, they are totally grossing me out. I do not want to see some old man on TV talk about his erection, YUCK! I am seriously thinking about canceling my cable because old guy+male enhancement pills=me puking.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
- Today I saw a man on TV tattoo his eyeball.
- Today on the street a bum asked me for money so he could buy pot.
- Today I saw a pic of my ex on the internet and he is going very bald, luv it-can't stop laughing.
- Today I saw a old and I mean old girlfriend and realized that biotch has not changed one bit.
- Today is over.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sara Rae Appletini Time from Coast to Coast
Yes, Sara would have been 26 this year but instead she will remain young and beautiful forever.
She left a legacy behind- she will never be forgotten-some will learn from her-others will copy-but their will never ever be another woman that ever comes to close to the woman she was to her friends and loved ones. If you were ever lucky enough to catch her attention you know what I mean. Diva Queen Sara a true friend to all. One bad Ass Biotch! She lived it her way...So when you want to toast to her again and again do it with a Appletini and be thankful you were never on her imgonnagetusucka list! "If You Got It, I'll Get It." quote: Sara Rae Bingham
I would also like to thank all the shout outs from far and wide across this planet that went out to Sara on her B-day and to her true friends who flew to L.A. to be with me on this special remembrance for Sara Rae...we know who really cared for her, what true friends are keeping her memory alive, and to all the others...I would also like to say FUCK ALL YOU POSERS we know who you are!
She left a legacy behind- she will never be forgotten-some will learn from her-others will copy-but their will never ever be another woman that ever comes to close to the woman she was to her friends and loved ones. If you were ever lucky enough to catch her attention you know what I mean. Diva Queen Sara a true friend to all. One bad Ass Biotch! She lived it her way...So when you want to toast to her again and again do it with a Appletini and be thankful you were never on her imgonnagetusucka list! "If You Got It, I'll Get It." quote: Sara Rae Bingham
I would also like to thank all the shout outs from far and wide across this planet that went out to Sara on her B-day and to her true friends who flew to L.A. to be with me on this special remembrance for Sara Rae...we know who really cared for her, what true friends are keeping her memory alive, and to all the others...I would also like to say FUCK ALL YOU POSERS we know who you are!
10 - XVIII
Thursday, October 9, 2008
NKOTB @ Staple Center L.A. Baby
Okay, its a blast from the past, NKOTB, and the boys were everything and more even 15 years later. Thats right I said it, I went to the show and so did a million other girls. My ears are still ringing from the hormonal screams. Also got to see a fight break out and some girl got her nose broken, who would think NKOTB would bring that kind of frenzy again. My seat were up front by the stage, can't get any better than that baby. I will be loving you forever, LISA.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Hollywood, Humble?
I don't think sooooooooooo! Okay, not everybody is in the category of greedy-give more of what you got from the well to do celebs, but, WTF people? It seems when you invite guest to an event to receive free goodies it creates a sort of greedy feeding frenzy. Sham-Sham-Sham on you and you know who you are. You're the one with a big bag full of free stuff going back to the tables and pulling a shoplifter move on the generous givers, oh yes I caught you with my own eye. I had to listen to the ahhhhhhhhh can I have this, and I have a mom at home who would love this, and I'm getting a dog, and my assistant needs this, oh and btw I'm having a party later can I take some more of this for them. It goes on and on....so sad I see you feel you deserve these free goodies well go on with your bad karma self, I have to go to the toilet now you've made me sick to my stomach.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Take a HINT!
Listen now if you are calling/texting someone (me) and they (I) do not return your call take a hint. All this means is that this person (me again) really does not want to talk to you. Please do not take it personal because it has nothing to do with who you are personally, this person (me) just does not have the time for you. BTW trying to get there attention by being a bi-polar ego-maniac/A hole does not work either. Good Luck!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Birthday Bowling Bash
LUCKY STRIKE LANES in HollyWood @7p.m. 8-17-08. Lets Play! Celebrate my Life 8-18-08.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
R.I.P. Jesus Twin
8-6-08 Eric Liebowitz was shot down by a law man during a manic episode. May death bring you Peace your Life never had. You are loved friend!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Party-Party-Party '08
Pansexual Peace Party - The PPP is a generally left-wing party that has yet to field any candidates -- they don't take themselves too seriously -- and, oh yeah, and the PPP is founded on Wiccan (i.e., witchcraft) roots. Check out the PPP platform plank on sexual issues, which carries the title: "Sex is Good! Sex is Great! Yea, Sex!" The PPP site also contains a short but harsh anti-libertarian essay. To date, the PPP's political activities seem confined to printing some PPP t-shirts and bumper stickers.
Pot Party - The Pot Party is exactly what you'd expect -- a bunch of marijuana legalization advocates ("mandate pot growing") ranging in age -- seemingly -- from late teens to middle aged. In fact, their current tag line seems to be: "A movement to pretty much legalize marijuana." One profile of a Pot Party leader boasts that he won High Times magazine's "Bong-of-the-Month" Award. Unlike the denials of a certain recent national politician, these people quite obviously, proudly and regularly inhale.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Jungle Dream'n of My Trip
Naked in the jungle-Toes in the sand-men w/machine guns & a camera in hand-Sweat lodge
hottie-Hot sticky nights-Fish w/my fingers-Danc'n w/dolphins-No speaka english-Loung'n lizards-Reggae rockstars...
hottie-Hot sticky nights-Fish w/my fingers-Danc'n w/dolphins-No speaka english-Loung'n lizards-Reggae rockstars...
Friday, May 9, 2008
Got my Ticket for Tulum, Mexico

Sunday, May 4, 2008
My Next Destination: Complete Serenity

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
MTV Movie Awards 2k8
Kristian Alexander at 818 908 4474 Ext. 118
Children of the Night is a private, non-profit, tax-exempt organization founded in 1979. We are dedicated to assisting children between the ages of 11 and 17 who are forced to prostitute on the streets for food to eat and a place to sleep. Since 1979 we have rescued girls and boys from prostitution and the domination of vicious pimps. And we provide all programs with the support of private donations.
If you would like to drop off any donation items, please set up an appointment by contactingKristian Alexander at 818 908 4474 Ext. 118
Monday, April 21, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
NKOTB R BACK..........................
So my past is coming back to get me again....boy does this bring back memories, NKOTB.
The girls and I followed these little hotties around the world playing gigs and becoming friends with the group...can't wait for a true reunion this time guys.
I'll Be loving you forever....hee-hee!
The girls and I followed these little hotties around the world playing gigs and becoming friends with the group...can't wait for a true reunion this time guys.
I'll Be loving you forever....hee-hee!
Slippery When WET!
Yes, its true I went to see Jon Bon Jovi in concert 3rd row seat so much fun.
Everyone seems to be living on a prayer or at least rock'n out to it.
The Bon is still hotter than ever at his age, to bad more men his age cannot say the same.
Everyone seems to be living on a prayer or at least rock'n out to it.
The Bon is still hotter than ever at his age, to bad more men his age cannot say the same.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
ER or PR
My day in the ER went a little like this...F*** I'm think I'm gonna die, HELP! 911 ring...okay fill this this out...now please wait in the waiting room, Uummm okay. Excuse miss I think I am gonna die just so you know the reason why if I fall down out here in the waiting room, okay please just wait. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Lisa, will see you now, THANK GOD!...What, Ouch, Sh*t , No, Stop, HUH?...now please sign here. I'm dizzy now, thats because we just gave you moraphine.....test okay...you can go now. Did that really just happen? Meow.......PPPRRRRRRRRR.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Lisa Bingham, graphic designer
In my pursuit for design, what I have learned from a fellow innovator such as Clum, is be true to your design when relating a message through art, or what I call "visual penetration," and your voice can be heard through the use of type, color, and freedom. Some might not get the same feeling as I, but their not supposed to.
Monday, February 4, 2008
my SUPERBOWL 2k8 in VEGAS baby!

Thursday, January 24, 2008
California Queen has been featured in 2008
- Young Hollywood
- San Francisco Magazine
- Smart Money
- Centre Daily Times
- Financial Content
- Digital 50
- Variety
- Crazy Days and Nights
- Hollywood Jesus
- Forbes
- British Blogs
- WAVY TV 10
- My FOX
- Celebrity Gossip Buzz
Monday, January 21, 2008
U wanna ZAP my wut-wut?
All I can say is Brazilian Laser Hair Removal, Oouch!
So, it goes like this pants down, woman with laser in hand, starring down at my you know wut-wut. Next a ZAP-ZAP, Ouch!
You had to have been their to appreciated the humor of this. Never felt so weird in my life.
So, it goes like this pants down, woman with laser in hand, starring down at my you know wut-wut. Next a ZAP-ZAP, Ouch!
You had to have been their to appreciated the humor of this. Never felt so weird in my life.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Golden Globes Cancelled

and Amy Boatwright.
Friday, January 4, 2008
WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? Why? To many young, to many dying, to much to handle...the sadness is overwhelming, these stories...now my sister has joined the group. When will the world wake up? The human race is gonna be extinct before to long, this I know. What if Death is a release into BLISS?
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
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