Tuesday, April 29, 2008

MTV Movie Awards 2k8

California Queen will be at the exclusive Secret Room Caribbean Retreat for the 2k8 MTV Movie Awards Pre-Party May 30-31. CQ will be rooftop poolside with the pro-love girls enjoying the swag. HOT-HOT-HOT!


Children of the Night is a private, non-profit, tax-exempt organization founded in 1979. We are dedicated to assisting children between the ages of 11 and 17 who are forced to prostitute on the streets for food to eat and a place to sleep. Since 1979 we have rescued girls and boys from prostitution and the domination of vicious pimps. And we provide all programs with the support of private donations.
If you would like to drop off any donation items, please set up an appointment by contacting
Kristian Alexander at 818 908 4474 Ext. 118

Monday, April 21, 2008

Playboy's Pajama Party

Sleepwear Required...see you there. NOT!

Monday, April 7, 2008

NKOTB R BACK..........................

So my past is coming back to get me again....boy does this bring back memories, NKOTB.
The girls and I followed these little hotties around the world playing gigs and becoming friends with the group...can't wait for a true reunion this time guys.
I'll Be loving you forever....hee-hee!

Slippery When WET!

Yes, its true I went to see Jon Bon Jovi in concert 3rd row seat so much fun.
Everyone seems to be living on a prayer or at least rock'n out to it.
The Bon is still hotter than ever at his age, to bad more men his age cannot say the same.