Monday, September 22, 2008

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hollywood, Humble?

I don't think sooooooooooo! Okay, not everybody is in the category of greedy-give more of what you got from the well to do celebs, but, WTF people? It seems when you invite guest to an event to receive free goodies it creates a sort of greedy feeding frenzy. Sham-Sham-Sham on you and you know who you are. You're the one with a big bag full of free stuff going back to the tables and pulling a shoplifter move on the generous givers, oh yes I caught you with my own eye. I had to listen to the ahhhhhhhhh can I have this, and I have a mom at home who would love this, and I'm getting a dog, and my assistant needs this, oh and btw I'm having a party later can I take some more of this for them. It goes on and sad I see you feel you deserve these free goodies well go on with your bad karma self, I have to go to the toilet now you've made me sick to my stomach.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

60th Annual Emmy Awards Secret Room Events Present...

California Queen will be attending this two day event.
click on image to view